Welcome to the oral presentation section of the Annual Meeting of the Turkish Society of Interventional Radiology.
Abstracts covering any area of interventional radiology in the scientific programme will be considered. Only oral presentations will be accepted for evaluation. Poster presentations will not be considered for evaluation.
Only research studies will be evaluated. Case presentation, a subject with cases and pictures, technical notes, etc. will not be evaluated.
Abstracts can be in Turkish or English language. Accepted papers can be presented in the language in which they were submitted. Slide presentations of the accepted papers will also be in the same language.
The space allocated for abstract writing is limited with 3000 characters. The system will not allow you to write more words. Title of the paper should explain the content of the study. The abstract summary as been structured as aim, method, findings and conclusion. The font you will use in submitting a paper is automatically standardized by the system for all papers, it is not possible to use different fonts.
Entering the abstracts into the system via www.girisimselradyoloji2025.org is the only valid submission method of the congress. It is not possible to send papers via e-mail and postal mail independently from the system.
When submitting a paper, a preview of the paper appears on the screen in the last step. If you approve, please click the ‘finalize’ button to complete your paper submission.
Vascular interventional radiology
Nonvascular interventional radiology
Oncological interventional radiology
Neuro-interventional radiology
January 26, 2025